Why us

Best Value for Your Money

Your leisure time is a seriously precious commodity, so you have the right to expect the best return for your investment. We understand that letting us plan how you spend it is an act of trust, and we promise we’ll be there to provide personal attention and service at every point of the process. We want your luxury trip to leave you longing for more, and ready to plan your next vacation with us.

To Discover the Unknown

We actively seek out the undiscovered: the hidden-away wonders, the little-known locales and out-of-the-way attractions. In other words, the things that have yet to make it into the guidebooks. We believe that by providing extraordinary experiences that fit your passion, we can take your vacation to the next level. Our focus is fixed on your individual requirements, interests and wishes.

  • Innovative & Enriching Itineraries

    At Ways of Africa Travels, our personalized itineraries are designed to leave not just a positive impression, but a lasting one, too. Of course you’ll go home with outstanding photos (that’s a given), but you’ll also return from our tours with much more: a sense of rejuvenation, priceless memories, and new perspectives on – and a greater understanding of – the world and its cultures.

  • For Local Insight

    Having an on-the-ground presence in gives us a vital edge. Not only do we know the region like the back of our hand, but we’re able to keep abreast of any exciting goings-on as well as any changes that may affect your travel experience. We know the best time to avoid traffic, and when festivities may result in reveler-clogged streets. Put simply, we don’t miss a beat.

  • Our Dedication To Our People

    At Ways of Africa Travels, we don’t see our clients as cogs in a machine, but as real, live people and thus deserving of the best hospitality and warmth. A simple concept which makes all the difference. We value your opinions as we craft itineraries to exceed your expectations and surpass your wildest imaginations. It’s not just our clients that matter, either. We are equally passionate about the people and environments of the countries we send them to. This is why we’re more than happy to arrange for travelers to participate in philanthropic efforts, cultural exchanges, and other mutually enriching experiences.

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